Jesus, Our God Made Known
Acts 17:13-28; Colossians 1:15 & 2:9
Verse 1:
Come see the wonder, come hear the story
Ours is a God who has made Himself known.
Lighting our darkness, we saw His glory
Come praise the God we know!
O what a mystery
God walked in history
Fullness of God shaped in fragile humanity
O what a Saviour, Jesus – our God made known!
Verse 2:
Come then before Him, kneel and adore Him
He who spoke heaven and earth in to form
God life-ordaining, God all-sustaining
This is the God we know
Awesome in majesty
Yet, in humility
Christ knew our time that we might know eternity
O what a Saviour, Jesus – our God made known!
Verse 3:
What shall we offer? What gift to render?
What, to the One from whom all blessings flow?
Hearts that are broken, spirits surrendered
to Jesus – our God made known!
This, Lord our offering
This – not the song we sing –
Hearts that are open for you to reshape again
You Lord our certainty
You our identity
Once dead in sin, we now live in Your victory.
O what a Saviour, Jesus – our God made known!
Jeremy Smith © 2024
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The Story
The brief that was set for this month’s challenge was to write a song inspired by an episode or theme in the book of Acts. I opted for the account in Acts 17 where Paul tells the Athenians they truly have no need to build a shrine to an unknown God. God has revealed Himself quite plainly!
I then added to this what he teaches the Colossians – namely that God is Revealed to us supremely in the person of Jesus. Do we want t know who God is and what he is like? Then just look at Jesus – Our God made known!