Had You Been There
Philippians 2:7
Verse 1
Had you been there, would you know,
There in Bethlehem did it show?
God Himself lay sleeping on the hay!
In that stable, could you tell
God was with us, Emmanuel!
Was the wonder plain that Christmas day?
Let the church bells ring!
Let the choir sing! It’s Christmas!
God came down among us Christmas morn.
Greet the newborn King!
Tell the news that God is with us;
Let them know that Christ is born!
Verse 2
Had the angels never sung,
Had the morning star never shone,
Would you notice Mary’s child appear?
Just a baby, helpless, weak,
Not the conquering God we seek;
Would you know the Promised One was here?
Verse 3
Would you know that baby’s cry
Voiced the order that lit the sky?
Would you know it once cried “Let there be”?
Would you guess that tiny hand
Once held galaxies in its span?
Would you walk on by or bow the knee?
Verse 4
Mary’s baby still today
Asks the question: what do we say?
Is there more beyond the manger scene?
Do we leave Him in the straw –
Good for Christmas but nothing more –
Or do we enthrone Him Lord and King?