One Night (In A Backstreet Town)
Galatians 4:4-5
verse 1
It started off like any other backstreet night:
An uneventful evening, children tucked up tight.
Nothing to stay up for, nothing going down,
Nothing worth reporting in a backstreet town.
Everybody hits the pillow, everybody sleeps,
Just waiting for tomorrow when they’ll rinse, repeat.
verse 2
The shepherds on the night shift try to count their sheep;
The hazard’s occupational – they fall asleep!
Dreaming of a Saviour, longing for the One,
Dreaming of a rescue out of backstreet town;
Dreaming they see angels
In the skies above their flocks;
Then finding out they’re real –
And it all takes off!
Just one night in a backstreet town
Shakes eternity, spins it round;
One night when the love of God came down!
Just one night and a baby boy
Breaks through darkness with glorious joy;
One night, when Emmanuel was born!
verse 3
It started off like every other Eastern night:
Astronomers were loving how the stars shone bright;
Tracking all the planets, charting all the stars,
Gazing through their telescopes until by chance
Way out to the West they get the mother of all shocks –
“Check out that supernova!” –
And it all takes off!
verse 4
It ended like no other night had ever done:
The king born in a backstreet of a backstreet town;
Born to be our Saviour, born to take our sin,
Born to die that we might be reborn in Him.
One night in a backstreet pivots history, because
God came down at Christmas –
That’s why Christmas rocks!