The Glory Of Christmas
Matthew 1:21
verse 1
Away in a manger,
No trace yet of danger
A baby sleeps.
The cattle are lowing
But chill winds are blowing,
His mother weeps.
The stars in the bright sky,
The shepherds, the Magi,
All paint that picture we know.
But that’s not the story,
Not half of the glory
Of Christmas.
chorus 1
Emmanuel! God gave Himself
From palace to stable,
From high throne to cradle
In Jesus, Emmanuel!
verse 2
The silence is broken,
The shepherds are woken
The angels sing:
“Come find your Redeemer,
This babe in a manger
Salvation brings.
All glory in Heaven,
To earth peace is given,
On you God’s favour has come”
They’re singing the story,
Unfolding the glory
Of Christmas.
chorus 2
Emmanuel, the name that spells
The glory of Christmas:
Our God came for sinners
In Jesus, Emmanuel!
verse 3
No way in a manger
For Him to be Saviour
And pay for sin.
The cross will deliver
The guiltiest sinner
Who trusts in Him.
So on Mary’s baby,
On then to Calvary,
On to that cross on a hill!
Completing the story,
Fulfilling the glory
Of Christmas!
Jeremy Smith © 2022. | CCLI song no. 7209753
Recording Credits:
Vocals: Chris Read
Guitars: Dan Wheeler
Piano, Keys: Mark Edwards
Bass: Matt Weeks
Drums & Percussion: Reuben Harsant
Produced by
The Story
The manger scene. The angels. The shepherds. The magi. The imagery of the nativity, depicted countless times through the centuries, have become so familiar to us that they have taken on a certain ‘glory’ all of their own today. As our children don dressing gowns and tea-towels to stage it, we romanticise it and revel in the nostalgia.
But that’s not the story. It’s not half of the glory of Christmas!