Words That Say So Much
(“I’m Justified By Grace”)
Verse 1
I’m justified by grace, [Rom 3:24]
Made just as if I’d never sinned a trace.
I stand in Jesus’ Righteousness; [Phil 3:9]
His ‘rightness’ covers me.
God cannot see my sin, [Heb 8:12]
Nothing I’ve done, nothing I’ve ever been.
For Jesus bore the cost, wiped it at the cross; [Col 2:14]
I’m justified by Grace.
Verse 2
A perfect sacrifice! [Heb 10:14]
It’s only Jesus’ blood can pay the price. [1 Pe 1:19]
So willingly He takes my place, [1 Pe 2:24];
And mercy covers me.
I’m ransomed, I am free; [1 Pe 1:18-19]
My sin atoned, my God ‘at-one’ with me; [1 Pe 3:18]
The Father and His child, fully reconciled. [Rom 5:10-11]
A perfect sacrifice!
So what can I do but praise You? [Ps 113:3]
And tell how great you are! [1 Chron 16:9]
What can I do but worship?
Surrender all I am. [Rom 12:1]
Words are too few to thank You,
The price too high to pay;
For this undeserving child
Is justified by grace.
Verse 3
Because my Saviour died,
I’m counted worthy, I am sanctified. [1 Co 6:11; Heb 10:10]
Made holy, set apart for Him,
That I might sing His praise. [1 Pe 2:9]
He bought me for His own, [1 Co 6:19-20]
I’ve been redeemed
And He will take me home, [Gal 3:13; John 14:3]
Where I will see His face, held in His embrace,
Because my saviour died.
So what can I do but praise You?…